Thursday, September 17, 2009


Make your FAMILY DONATION today.
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-100% goes to SMASH
-100% tax deductible

Dear SMASH Family!

Another exciting new school year lies ahead of us. This year the SMASH family has grown as we welcome many new students to every Core. We hope that old and new students had a chance to meet at the Core get-togethers over the summer, and that those of you who are joining us don’t feel so ‘new’ any more.

SMASH is a unique school that thrives upon the contribution of every single member of the SMASH family. Our PTSA is comprised of volunteer parents, teachers and students working together to expand our children's educational opportunities. PTSA activities include fundraising, parent education, promoting intercultural understanding, and community building. Everyone is encouraged to join and participate. We hope that everyone who participated last year will return, and that those who are new to the school or PTSA will take the step and join us this year. We truly welcome everybody’s input and ideas. Volunteer opportunities will be announced in the Friday Letter throughout the year and in our regular e-mail trees. But you can also just talk to your Core Rep or any PTSA board member. Our doors are always open!

Our doors are particularly wide open during our monthly PTSA meetings. Our first meeting will be on Wednesday, 9/23 at 8:15 AM in the Computer Lab. Please do join us!

SMASH is a unique school indeed, yet it is still a public school, and, as such, our PTSA must pay for a number of important, essential school support items that, sadly, are not provided for by federal or state funding. Unfortunately last year’s budget cuts and the imminence of even further cuts in the near future have forced our PTSA to make some very tough choices. In order to provide for the instructional aides and reading specialists to help handle the challenges created by the class size increase, we had to discontinue the Spanish program.

The big-ticket items SMASH PTSA is committed to pay for in the 2009/2010 school year are:

Teacher’s Aids


Reading Specialist


Multiage Arts Materials & Consultants


Classroom & Miscellaneous Supplies


Equipment/Maintenance/Technology (Copy Machine, Printers et al)


Professional Teacher development




Throughout the year, we hold a number of fundraisers, including the Rummage Sale in October, the Book Fair and Holiday Boutique in December, the Jog-a-thon in February and SuperSMASH in May. This year we are also starting a new fundraiser, the SMASH BASH, a party and event series throughout the entire school year. Not only do these events help raise the funds necessary to provide instructional aids, sustain the Arts Program and enhance our Technology Program; they are also a great deal of fun!

But by far our most important fundraiser is the Family Donation Pledge Drive. This fundraiser traditionally accounts for over a third of funds we raise throughout the year.

Family Donation is the purest form of giving. You don’t have to buy a holiday card, sell wrapping paper to your mother-in-law or make your child run a lap or two. We just ask families to give what they can. Ideally we’d like every family to contribute $555 per student (at the current enrollment of 220 students, the total of $115,000 PTSA pays per year translates into $555 per student). But we understand that many families cannot afford the recommended amount, so we ask that you give what you can, for our goal this year is 100% participation.

If what you can afford is $100, we appreciate that contribution. If you can afford five payments of $100, we appreciate that, too. And if you can give more than the recommended amount, we appreciate that as well. EVERY DONATION COUNTS!

You can pay online. Just go to You can pay monthly! You can pay by check! Mail it to SMASH at 2525 5th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or just drop it off in the office.

In these uncertain economic times, the best investment is your children’s future. We know things are tight, but please do not wait, as SMASH PTSA has made commitments to the school district to pay for the instructional aids so dearly needed to handle the class size increase. If we do not have sufficient funds to make these commitments, we will have to curtail or even cut programs or benefits from our budget.

Thanks so much for making your SMASH commitment today. We are grateful and thank you in advance for your support. Your gift is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Receipts, for tax purposes, are available in the office.


Helga Schier

David Saltzman

SMASH PTSA Co-Presidents